My Story
I'm Melissa, a website creator, brand coach, marketing professional and designer. I work with entrepreneurs, who elevate the well-being of others, by shifting their perception of brand & website design from a chore to an intentional and exciting experience.
Growing up, I was always drawn to the things that allowed me to express myself in a creative way. I was an only-child raised by a single-mother and naturally became comfortable with the space of solitude. My time alone provided me with the gift of deep introspection from an early age. It gifted me access to curiosity and the freedom to "tinker" with anything I could get my hands on. I constantly challenged myself to learn how things work and make them work for me.
I spent 5 long years at college trying to figure out how to insert my odd introverted self into the world. I accidentally stumbled upon a new yoga studio opening in my college town and decided to give it a whirl. A few months later, I graduated college and a few yoga classes later, I was enrolled in Yoga Teacher Training. I discovered that yoga held all the miracles I had been looking for…It aligned with my passion for self-expression and introspection…and it gave me access to the power of connection, the piece that I had been missing all along.
Within a year, I was the owner of a yoga studio with a community that grew beyond my expectations. My studio demanded skills from my marketing & design background, as well as the skill to "learn how this works and make it work for me". I challenged myself to learn everything about running a business, such as website design, social media engagement, client bookings/payments, etc. ….and I loved it. But owning a studio only worked for me until it didn't. The failure of my business partnership left me with the difficult choice to walk away from my studio and life as I knew it.
I spent several months feeling sorry for myself. Getting out of bed was a chore and I was desperate for a fresh start….desperate for purpose…for belonging. That's when I got the call from Gina Ward, owner and creator of Heart & Grit Power Yoga and Shift to Lead. She immediately gave me a teaching position at her studio and opportunities for impactful self-expression.
Gina & I cultivated a relationship that brought out my POWER. I went on to enroll in her programs, which asked me to look deeper into myself and my purpose. I began to get intentional in my life by clarifying my values and narrowing in on my vision. I stopped looking for miracles and discovered that I have the power to create the miracle.
Today, I wake up in the morning with purpose. I am driven by the mission to serve our community's leaders by simplifying the experience of brand & website development. When I contribute my skills in coaching, teaching, leading, designing, and developing, I give other leaders the courage to powerfully and intentionally live into to their purpose and move others into doing the same.
Your brand has power. Now is your time to be moved by it so you can go on to move others into their power too.